I’d caught the ferry from Gabriola to Nanaimo as a foot passenger to return an enlargement of a heron photo I’d take while living in Gabriola island last year. When I returned home last evening after collecting the well packaged 18″x24″ print. once home I unpacked it to find it had not been mounted.
So today I decided to return to the shop dispite the fact that it was a grey, wet morning. When I got off the ferry in Nanaimo it was only a short walk to London Drugs store. Leaving the print with them for a couple of hours for them to mount and laminate my purchase. I walked seriously coffee for my morning refreshment and to read my exciting book to pass the time before collecting the finished mounted print. I walked back protecting the package best I could, through the pouring rain to the ferry dock for my 20 minute sail home.
Then,there it was …………………. A Rainbow with my ferry coming in “under the rainbow”, there been much talk in recent times of building a bridge to the island, but here was a beautiful rainbow bridge.

What is it about rainbows?
May by the vibrations from the vibrant colours.
Like a magnet we all gathered looking at this magnificent display of nature manifested, discussing the whereabouts of the pot of gold.

I learned while studying Aura Soma and Colour Healing Therapies –
Black contains absorbs
all colours
White reflects
all colours
Magenta contains
all colours
I was also told that the colour – magenta had been added to the colours of the rainbow in recent times. I like to think that Magenta has always been a colour in the rainbow. I believe, as our vibrations increase that we are able to see magenta in a rainbow. Who knows what other colours, way beyond our imagination, we will see as our vibration increase…………………
Rainbows are so full of magic and your photos particularly of this double rainbow, quite spectacular. Thank ypu for sharing rhem with us.