Its already more that two weeks since I left Gabriola to catch the Dukes Point ferry for the two hour sail to the Canadian mainland. It was a straight forward 30 minute drive from the Tsawwassen ferry Port, firstly dropping a friend at Vancouver International Airport, then straight onto Hwy 99 south for another 45 minutes to my friends house in White Rock.
We spent a few days together for me to learn my way around the city, time to get to know Lucy, the young beagle and Whiskers the 18yr old cat, that I’ve come to look after for five weeks while their owner, Maud Nelly travels to a remote village in Africa to oversee the charity trust she set up to help the young people and families in the village. Please take a few minutes to visit and share her website :- http://www.turkanaempowermentproject.org
Having had three days to discovered the best places to take Lucy for her daily two hour walks, learn her likes & dislikes, and been taken to the places to buy her favorite foods. After which, Maud Nelly left to begin her journey; two overnight flights and a long drive to reach her isolated destination.
White Rock is a very pleasant, upmarket sea side town, with its long promenade and Pier, lots of choices of places to eat, many fabulous properties and an amazing number of barbers shops !!!

I sometimes take Lucy to the busy dog park, most of which is forest with many pathways and even more dogs, all of which she has to stop, talk to, and sniff (well she is dog, and that’s what dogs do), I think she should have been called sniffles :0)

But more often that not we drive to Crescent Beach with its mountain views, beaches, parkland, lovely properties and bird sanctuary on Blackie Spit, always lots of ducks, herons, crows by the bucket load, bald eagles, sandpipers and many smaller birds I have yet to learn about. It is a very popular place particularly for dog walkers all are happy to stop for a chat while the the dogs exchange niceties, well sniffities. I often meet the sample people as its usually the same time of day we walk. I had been warned that Lucy doesn’t like going home and recognizes went we are come near to the place the car is parked, this, I have learn, is when she sits down and will NOT budge, so, the last resort is to pick her up and carry her to the car, maybe a few yards but it has been known to be a few blocks. Often, my large heavy camera with telephoto lens attached, hanging around my neck and very solid two old beagle under my right arm. How am I? you may well ask – tired, exhausted, aching all over but losing weight daily, soon, I’ll also be having to try and hold my trousers up. Tomorrow I visit the chiropractor………. Don’t get me wrong, I love her to bits and enjoy the wonderful scenery and wild life, everyday is different and what a great way to loss weight.
White Rock is situated, 30 miles south of down town Vancouver and sits on the border of the USA, just a 90 minutes drive from Seattle.
I’m still here for over three more weeks, so lots more to discover and with the lengthening days and hopefully spring like weather to come. Up until now, we have had some sunny warm days and lots of much needed rain. I have discovered, to my delight, that there are plenty of very nice coffee shops to shelter in if one is desperate, and I’m always desperate, for a coffee that is. :o)
love the photos graham.how can you bare to come back to Guernsey? Bet its not long before you go again x
Thanks Chrissie, yes its wonderful, wish I was younger :o)