The ferry to Quadra island leaves from Campbell River. Another ferry sails to Cortes island.
I drove the ocean route (192) from Nanaimo, through Cortney, Comox to stop off at the “Ocean Retreat Centtre” to meet friends for lunch. As I was early I pulled in at Oyster Bay. From the car I saw some bald eagles far away on the waters edge. I walked the beach to see how close I could get to them. Incredibly they were to busy eating a fish to notice me, so I was able to get within a feet of them, that is when I took this photograph and the others below.
Quadra & Cortes Islands, are two of the Discovery Islands

Quadra Island – Just a 10 minute ferry trip from Campbell River, Quadra island is the largest of the Discovery Islands.
Quadra Island, has a year round population of 2,700. The island is a popular tourist destination which inflates the population in the summer months.
The island is approx 35km north to south, and is approximately 2km east to west is at its narrowest and 9kms at the widest.
The island is popular for sea kayaking, hiking trails and mountain biking there is a thriving arts community with studios and galleries open to the public. Rebecca Spit is a popular beach and woodland walks.

I stayed at “Harbour House B&B – www.harbourhouse.bc.ca
I was thrilled with my choice, I had a very nice, large en-suite bedroom with stunning views, a lovely breakfast on the terrace with more views.
Near by was the Hariot Bay Inn and marina that served excellent food www.hariotbayinn.com
Truefoods retail store and the ferry to Cortes island.

Cortes Island – is a 45 minute ferry trip from Hariot Bay, Quadra island to Whaletown.
The island is approx. 25km by 13km.
I visited and wouldn’t have missed “The Gorge Marina Resort”or Hollyhock with its beautiful gardens.Manson’s Landing and Lagoon, Smelt Bay and Squirrel Cove all very beautiful.

I stayed at Barbara’s B&B which was a beautiful, brand new property, close to the ferry in a very peacefully, woodland clearing.
The deluxe, organic breakfasts were wonderful and Barbara was interesting to speak to and a perfect hostess.
email- bbbuffington0@gmail.com